My Story
I have been reluctant to talk about myself in this book because I feel the emphasis needs to be what it can do for others. Adding to this mindset was the belief that I shouldn’t be taking much credit for what’s here, since the concept for the journal came through answered prayer. I was just the resistant recipient of that incredible event.
You see I had just come through a failed marriage and I felt I had absolutely no advice for anyone else, unless it was to share what I knew didn’t work.
At a particularly desperate time in my life, I pleaded for help from God. I had no answers and no strength to deal with what I was facing, a marriage in shambles as well as a serious health concern which precluded me from continuing to work. I opened myself completely to God and He spoke to me, directing me to create a resource to help other couples. While hearing God’s message was a profound experience, the idea that He thought I could help others seemed preposterous. It appeared to me that the message was directed to the wrong recipient, much like an email sent to the wrong address. I was over the moon grateful to have heard from God, but was not at all convinced that I was capable of the task. I held this belief for many months and struggled with why God would send me such a directive. Then one day I had a thought that gave me some hope and a glimmer of possibility. What if I was gifted this opportunity because this resource didn’t exist and I needed it more than anyone else. If I was going to help others then I first had to improve my own awareness and skills. I began to read, research and pursue personal development courses. I accepted that a great deal of self-examination was necessary and I had to embrace a new paradigm if I were to share something of value for others.
I started to formulate some ideas and a rough sketch of what I believed might be useful for other couples. I continued to feel like I was bumping around in the dark and relied on daily prayer for guidance, inspiration and answers. And something that seemed promising slowly emerged. It took nearly a year, admittedly a long time for such a simple format. My learning curve was steep and setbacks like a computer crash wiping out seven months of my work tested my resolve to finish the planner. I persevered and now I’m the co-author of Love Notes, a highly effective and simple journal to pull two people together in their desire to be closely connected and intimate.
I have used the book myself and I can attest that sharing acknowledgement and gratitude with your partner is a powerful and rapid means of strengthening the union between two people. It requires nothing more than the commitment to spend a few minutes daily, ensuring that your loved one knows how you feel about them and how happy and grateful you are to have them as your mate.
Being in a loving relationship is a journey. One that isn’t focused on a destination other than being a really good place with your loved one. Even so having a plan or vision to guide the journey is highly encouraged. Love Notes can help keep you both on the same page and keep the intensity of your bond fresh and passionate.
Love, Daniel